Wednesday, October 29, 2008

what is it like to be a fat boy?


growing up in a XXL family has its pro and cons.even though i am the lightest among the boys in my family, overall, we had a good life. not the physical challenge that matters me the most, but the goodness of inner self is the basic of kindness. i was born as a normal complete baby boy. healthy, no sign of dysmorphology, syndactyl, adactyl, anomelia, meromelia and etc. alhamdulillah, ALLAH gave me perfect physical but there will always test behind it on how i'm going to use it. as i said before, disability does not mean u have incomplete limb or etc, but disability can happen to those who limit themselves and draw a very narrow border in their life.

i was quite thin until i was 8. after that, i kept eating until i became horizontally challenge. no one in my family can resist my mother's cooking, the best in the world i perhaps. my father is a very generous when it comes to food, he spent million on food. i still can remember he brought back udang galah as bing as chicken leg. that is big for your information.

my friends had always make fun of me, teasing me around because of my extra fat. anyway, thats what children do. whenever they want to hurt my feeling, all they said is, "kau dah lah gemok!!!!". i cant counter them because i am fat. but, my father kept telling me that i am fine. u got a healthy body, not so fat and not so thin.

when i was in MRSM, the same things happened. all i can do was ignored them and smile. my mother always said, dont criticized people based on their appearance, but criticize people on their attitude. that is the most important thing they have to change. as i became older, i became shy of my physical appearance since my attraction towards the girl had increased. i tried to work on losing weight. i played basketball, football, ping pong and etc and tried to produce sweat as much as i can. when people saw me, they would say, "hey, u sweat like a pig!". whatever, i don't care. but my English teacher scolded at my friends who classified me as fat, she said "he is not fat, he's just chubby!". well, sound cute wasn't it?

now, here i am. 170cm tall, 70 kg weight. alhamdulillah for what i am right now. i realized that people will never appreciate with their look and try to change it. sometimes i do have that kind of thought but i try to convince myself, please abdul muhaimin, say alhamdulillah. the basic this is u stay healthy and u have the desire to eat halal and good food. my mother always said that.

health and youth are for ibadah to ALLAH. nothing else than that. not for girls, sport, working, or etc. just be grateful for what you are and stay healthy.

salam XXL


Anonymous said...

hehe.. aku pun pernah kene ejek gemuk dulu masa sekolah.. alhamdulillah, aku faham perasaan org yg selalu d ejek berdasaran sifat luar mereka.. dan bukan mudah nak bina keyakinan dalam diri untuk melawan ape org luar sana ckp.. insyaAllah, kite boleh.. lagipun anda ada family yang amat memahami.. :)

cYiD said...

you guys maybe over it...
but i'm still dealing with it!
any tips?!?!?! =P

i was kindda like you probably...
i grew horizontally probably after my 6th burfday! hehehe
earlier bloomer i guess!

well... chow...
and yeah, being thankful is important, but being healthier is importnant too! =)