Tuesday, September 30, 2008


raya di kelantan


sudah hampir due tahun aku tidak pulang ke pasir puteh, kelantan. di sinilah begitu byk memori aku terbina dari kecik sehinggalah besar. masih segar lagi aku bermain pasir sehingga terkena tungau yg menybabkan aku menjerit-jerit pada malam hari akibat gatal. di sinilah aku memasang perangkap itik dan ayam utk menangkap ayam dan itik serati. di sinilah tempat aku memancing dibendang. sungguh bermemori.

rumah usang inilah tinggalnya nenek aku sebelah bapa, yg aku panggil mok. umurnya sudah lanjut tapi alhamdulillah masih sihat. perjalanan hampir 6 jam dari kuala lumpur berjalan lancar ditambah pula kenderaan selesa volvo s80.

namun dulu, aku pulang ke kampung kerana duit raya dan keriangan bermain di kampung, namun kini misi aku lebih matang iaitu untuk megeratkan silaturrahim sesama keluarga. aku berazam utk meneruskan tradisi ini sebaik mungkin agar ikatan yg terjalin bertambah kuat dan utuh. aku mahu membina hubungan dengan ziarah kerana itulah amalan nabi SAW.

raya di kl
salam kampung

Friday, September 19, 2008



setelah hampir dua tahun aku mengembara mencari ilmu, akhirnya aku pulang ke pangkuan keluarga. hangat malaysia dan keramahan masyarakatnya aku terasa. aku terasa jiwa aku masih dimiliki oleh tanah tumpah darahku ini. tapi, lain pula rasanya. kebiasaannya aku melihat manusia berkulit putih, berambut blonde, bermata hijau, namun segalanya berubah. daripada semua itu, kini kulihat masyarakat yg berbeza sama sekali. melayu, cina dan india, ada yg kulit kuning langsat, rambut hitam, mata hitam, kulit hitam manis, kulit coklat mcm aku, namun ada juga yg berambut blonde. bajet mat saleh lah kot.

benda yg pertama memeranjatkan aku ialah aku melihat kucing bergaduh. badan kecik tapi bunyi, ya allah, boleh lawan anjing di dublin. di sini, byk kucing, di dublin byk anjing. namun, aku terpaksa akui bahawa taik kucing lebih power baunya berbanding taik anjing.

suasana di masjid pun agak memberansangkan, ramai juga jemaah yg datang. namun di sini, jemaah kurang menjaga kelelokkan saf2 ketika sembahyang berbanding pak arab yg selalunya tidak membiarkan ruang antara jemaah.

makanan di malaysia masyallah, sukar aku katakan. namun semuanya bergantung kepada niat. sekiranya niat aku pulang ke tanah air ialah untuk makan, pasti aku makan sehingga terbitnya keretakkan di perutku. namun aku pulang adalah kerana ALLAH, untuk menziarahi ibubapaku dan saudara2. namun, sambil menyelam minum air. makanan tdak perlu dilepaskan. balun tetap balun.

apa2 pun, syukur yg tidak terhingga atas segala kurnian ALLAH terhadap aku dan keluarga aku. terasa bagaikan rezeki halal yg melimpah ruah, hidup kami amat senang, tiada byk masalah, kesihatan dan byk lagi nikmat yg tidak terhingga. aku mengahrapkan ujian kesenangan ini dapat kami harungi degan petunjuk dari ALLAH.

salam masakan emak..

Friday, September 12, 2008

how should we establish islamic state?


I received some comments which either agreed or criticized my views. I accept that as a chance for more discussion on how should we work towards an Islamic state. Thank you for all the comments first of all. Let me clarify this one more time. I don't want to dispute the holy mission of PAS on establishing Islamic state but I have different point of views about how it should be done.

Actually, what I want is more that an Islamic state. I want an Islamic civilization indeed, for instance like the Ottoman empire. The world admired Islam and Islam become the leader not only in the state but in the world. People can't say a single bad thing about Islam because practice of Islam was brilliant.

I believe that to create an Islamic state, we must inform from the very basic elements of the country which is the citizen itself. We should educate and encourage the society to practice Islam. This includes every individual, family and locality. Takwa for ALLAH should be instilled.

Then, the next step is to get involved in politics. I believe this will come automatically. I never denied the importance of politics and we must embrace politic to establish an Islamic state. When we gain control of the government, we can implement all the law in Islam without any difficulties since people understand and want Islam in their life. Then we can show good example to the world about what Islam is. Transparency, no corruption, good economy, low crime, civilized people, good life quality and etc.

What is wrong with PAS is they tackle the problem at the wrong point. They focused on politic first. They spent thousands on politic in term of money and sometimes they have to give up their agenda. Look at what happened when they join PAKATAN RAKYAT, I didn't hear a single word uttered by PAS leaders in their campaign about an Islamic state especially in implementing hudud. Why? because this is politics. We have to make a policy that people can accept and vote for us.

If u compare DAP and PAS, which one gained more benefit? Absolutely DAP, because they don't have to surrender their ideology to join the PAKATAN RAKYAT. ANWAR IBRAHIM never said a word about establishing Islamic country and an Islamic state will not be established under his leadership. He got the most benefit for this campaign.

Salam reformasi.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

aku vs PAS


I guess this is my first time writing about politics. I like politics. One of my dreams when I was small was to become a prime minister. Well, right now the dream has faded away since there has been no encouragement. PAS, Pan Malaysian Islamic Party (Malay: Parti Islam SeMalaysia) is one of my favourite parties since its goals matches my understanding about the purpose of life. I was informed about PAS since I was small through reading HARAKAH and listening to lectures about Islam. I really want to establish an Islamic state and I want to see Islam conquer the world. When I was in Greece, I met one secular Turkish guy and he criticized me for my ideologies about an Islamic state. He said that Islamic states like IRAN, PAKISTAN and SAUDI ARABIA are the worst. Implementing Islam within a state will only cause trouble and desperation within its society. No one ever challenged my ideologies about an Islamic state before and I believe that different muslims have different understanding about what an Islamic state is, how it should be established, where, when and etc.

An Islamic state as I imagine it, is like the one that was established during the time of PROPHET MUHAMMAD SAW AND HIS COMPANIONS. It must be just, fair, advanced in terms of technology and posseses good leadership. Just imagine everything you can about how the best government should be. That is an Islamic state. 

The issue here is, what is the difference between my struggle to realize an Islamic state with PAS? I cannot deny the contribution PAS has made in implementing Islam in MALAYSIA. The same goes with the contribution of AL-ARQAM in encouraging muslim Malaysians to wear hijab. PAS is focussing on politics to establish an Islamic state in Malaysia.that is their focused. Through my understanding, in order to establish an Islamic state, politics shouldn't be my focus but instead we have to focus on educating people about Islam. By doing this, I believe we can establish a very good Islamic state while at the same time having people practising and understanding the teachings of Islam. We have to shape the people first then when they are behaving like real, true-to-the-core muslims, we can move on to the next stage through politics.

If we try to build an Islamic state through politics while people still don't understand Islam, it will become a fitna to Islam because the people will see Islam as unjust due to their lack of understanding. We will be punishing people who are uninformed about it. Once more I would like to stress here, I am not trying to dispute what PAS had done but instead I'm just sharing a  different understanding. Different ways of fighting a battle does not mean weakness. We should see this as a strength because when the time has come for Islam to rise, all other aspects like politics, economy, manners, cultures and etc will be ready to join the movement.

Thank you

Salam kurma tiga biji

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Tabah mengharung lautan badai,
Tubuh badan luka berdarah,
Habuan dikejar maruah tergadai,
Negara merdeka punah-ranah.

Masak ketupat di hari raya,
Setelah penat sebulan berpuasa,
Seru pemimpin pilihanraya,
Patik hiba pulang terasa.

Beli ikan di kedai Nyonya,
Senyum Nyonya manis selalu,
Janji manis tuan yang punya,
Dikota tidak habis dipalu.

Pergi belayar membawa bekal,
Tali layar jangan direncam,
Budaya bangsa terus dikekal,
Bangsa orang jangan dikecam.

Beli ubat di kedai Cina,
Hairan pula dilihat Raju,
Pada Raja kami setia,
Rakyat bersatu negara maju.

Monday, September 8, 2008


First of all, welcome to Zulhimi. I knew him since Mara College Banting and the best thing I know about him is because he was possessed by MELOR (a spirit). He did cause some trouble but everything was sorted out by Ustaz Hanafi. Anyway, Zul a.k.a Kong (from the Vietcong because he was in Vietnam following his father working) is one of my close friend. I got no problem with him as far as I'm concerned. He is quite straight foward, very expressive, strong, brave and a little bit hot tempered (reasonably hot). Of course, each of one of us has our own weaknesses. I believe Zulhimi was better than me. He prays a lot and I always see him at the mosque.

I took the decision to accept him because I think there is no harm in doing that. My english is bad. I got a B in IB for English and B3 in SPM. Anyway, I realise things will never be perfect. I have to keep on trying in order to get moving. If people want to laugh at me, let them be. They will stop when they get tired. Maybe people might say this will disrupt the originality of my blog, I don't care. This is my blog and I decide what I am going to do even if it is sacking Zul as the editor in the future. As Syamil said, just do it and fix it along the way. Try to be different. That is a good attitude.

I just finished my exam. Alhamdulillah, that's all I can say. I leave everything to Allah and I hope I have the strength to accept anything that was destined for me. I am going back to Malaysia on 14 Sept. I have been dreaming about my family for the last two weeks. I want to hug and kiss my parents and I want to make them the happiest people alive with my presence there. Finally I will be able to spend my Eid with my beloved family after 3 consecutive Eids here. Here is my "to do list":

1. I want to hug and kiss my parents
2. Serve my parents as best as I can - urut kaki, bersih umah, jadi engineer rumah, tolong masak,
3. I want to meet my relatives especially my grandmother in Kelantan.
4. Get a new glass
5. Renew license
6. Eat all the food I can
7. Terawih
8. Solat jemaah
9. Buy stuff to bring back to dublin
10. Play with my niece
11. Establish a good relationship with my siblings and new members of the family- akak ipar
12. Treat my sisters with something nice.
13. Buy some formal clothes
14. Open a bank account for investment
15. Pergi raya umah kawan2
16. Blaja masak dari mak- lontong, rendang ayam pencen, bubur lambuk, mee kari, mee tomyam, mee sup, and etc
17. Buy some books
18. Jalan2 kl
19. More communication with my family

Salam "missed sahur"

Sunday, September 7, 2008

1st post.

Assalamua'laikum w.b.t,

Thanks to Muhaimin for letting me share this blog. I wanted to start writing again for a long time now but I just couldn't find the right place to start over. Creating my own blog was out of the question because I found out that till this day, everyone of my friends already has their own blog. Starting another one would just add to the numerous number of blogs out there which has almost become impossible for me to read. Thus I made the decision to just jump on someone else's blog (with permission of course) and share what's inside my heart and mind. I hope people can accept this decision and continue to read on.

Muhaimin has agreed that I'd be contributing my thoughts and ideas to this blog. We've also agreed that what is shared here will be for the sake of the Truth, and nothing but the Truth. Apart from that I'll also be functioning as the blog's English editor and start correcting mistakes in terms of grammar and spelling here and there on all of Muhaimin's posts starting from now. The reason why I chose to combine forces with Muhaimin is simple. It's due to the fact that we're both pretty simple and straight forward in our daily communication. We also share pretty much the same thoughts on a lot of issues. I just hope this will continue. The only stark contrast between us is perhaps Muhaimin is more of a polite and gentle person than I am. Thus we agreed that he will remain the moderator of this blog in case I decide to go crazy and use some harsh or foul language. I hope with Muhaimin's presence, all my posts will be kept sober and unprovocative to whoever it is reading this blog. Hopefully this experience will also teach me some restraint in the use of my language, daily.

I promised Muhaimin my 1st post last night. Well............here it is. I hope people will continue to read and enjoy visiting this blog. Salam and cheers to everyone.

Saturday, September 6, 2008



As I grow up, transform from one stage to another, things changed. Life gets tough. Life is not that easy. Struggle, frustration, failure are wating to be tasted by us. I grew up in a childhood full of happiness, wealth and love. My father never even slap me in the face, I still can count how many rods did I get.

When the going get tough, the tough get going. Through life, my bigest concern is failure. I hate to fail and I do my best to avoid failing. However, one’s cant escape from it. Failure make me realize life is not as easy as before. We have to struggle, push ourself beyond the limit. We have to work hard and smart and there is no short cut for it. Risk is a vital part of the game. We need careful planning, creativity, stamina, power, concentration, enthusiasm and commitment to lead us the the peak of success.

Getting ajjr(reward) is easy. Committing since is relatively easy. Receiving forgiveness is theoretically easy. How? Once you stop doing the sin, that is the sign you are forgiven. In contrast, entering JANNAH for me is not easy. Thoeretically may be it sounds easy but I think practically, we are like a prisoners bounded by ALLAH’S law. We squeze our self against the nafs (lust), we force ourself to do good deeds. Our eyes, nose, tongue, hand, genital, leg and heart have to be grounded.

in life, I realized how weak we are! Not all the success will be in our hand, not all love will be in our heart, not all food will be in our stomach, not all beauty can be seen with our eyes. The reality is, you have to control yourself and struggle all the way in your life. Be grateful with what you have and believe in the reward PROMISED BY ALLAH. We have to have passion to enter JANNAH as much as we want to succeed in this world. Do your best, ALLAH is just, HE would not let you down as long as you belive in HIM.

Salam ramadhan karim