Sunday, September 7, 2008

1st post.

Assalamua'laikum w.b.t,

Thanks to Muhaimin for letting me share this blog. I wanted to start writing again for a long time now but I just couldn't find the right place to start over. Creating my own blog was out of the question because I found out that till this day, everyone of my friends already has their own blog. Starting another one would just add to the numerous number of blogs out there which has almost become impossible for me to read. Thus I made the decision to just jump on someone else's blog (with permission of course) and share what's inside my heart and mind. I hope people can accept this decision and continue to read on.

Muhaimin has agreed that I'd be contributing my thoughts and ideas to this blog. We've also agreed that what is shared here will be for the sake of the Truth, and nothing but the Truth. Apart from that I'll also be functioning as the blog's English editor and start correcting mistakes in terms of grammar and spelling here and there on all of Muhaimin's posts starting from now. The reason why I chose to combine forces with Muhaimin is simple. It's due to the fact that we're both pretty simple and straight forward in our daily communication. We also share pretty much the same thoughts on a lot of issues. I just hope this will continue. The only stark contrast between us is perhaps Muhaimin is more of a polite and gentle person than I am. Thus we agreed that he will remain the moderator of this blog in case I decide to go crazy and use some harsh or foul language. I hope with Muhaimin's presence, all my posts will be kept sober and unprovocative to whoever it is reading this blog. Hopefully this experience will also teach me some restraint in the use of my language, daily.

I promised Muhaimin my 1st post last night. it is. I hope people will continue to read and enjoy visiting this blog. Salam and cheers to everyone.


Muaz Nabil said...

yeah....zul on blog....:D

shml said...

welcome back Zul