know i know,
sekiranya kita tak kenal org tu, kite akan pandang mereka based on apa yg kite nampak je. sekiranya kita kenal mereka, kita akan pandang mereka berbeza. misalnya, bila aku nampak lecturer aku kat luar college, i noticed him as a ordinary person. tetapi, dalam lecture, dia nampak hebat. kat luar, klo tak kenal die nampak mcm someone who has nothing. cth: ronon conroy
know i know,
if u want to dislike people, dont dislike them forever. everytime u meet them, they will change. u make doa they will change. i am amazed when seeing people changing. dari amrican style, to the most pious muslim. from people wearing hijab, to not wearing hijab. from people wearing long tract bottom, to person wearing short. people change. stop having the same perception everytime seeing people. i hope i and u can change toward a better person. make a change know before it is too late. tomorrow is not yours.
know i know,
u cannot lie about love. please dont ask why loving. people can change from love to hate. people can change from hate to love. love comes without invitation. we ourself have to control it. shape ur love in your own way.

salam isk mega giga tera
Min, betul la. People change.. Paling janggal ialah apabila kita tengok diri kita sendiri berubah.
Salam salji dari seberang.
u r absolutely right...
tau x, i once hated ronan conroy because he was absent during our 1st PTT meeting (we waited 4 half an hour) n dendam berbalas on our 2nd meeting (some of us were absent)..
but i met him individually early this week (as requested) and he is a very funny and easy-going person, and he is very concern about his tutees..i'm just glad that he is my tutor..that meeting had changed my impressions towards him..
sekarang rasa bersalah pula sbb pernah x suka kt dia dolu2..huhu
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